L2R The Duke 42 is a IMCBR Panda bull born on 8/29/24. He will be weaned and ready for pick up in mid March 2025.
Located in south central Missouri.
He is sired by our AHA Mini Hereford herd sire Prince Albert (HR Blings Lucky Guy)
Out of L2R Duchess Eleanor 16 (Belted Galloway)
This stout calf could go down many roads. Make him a herd bull for your Panda herd, use him for small acreage, make him a steer, or just have a colorful pasture pet.
He is good enough to use for a show calf in mini cattle classes or a flashy show steer that can compete in the mini or lightweight class at your county fair.
He should mature in the mid-size mini range. His sire is 43 inches and his dam is 44 inches at the hip.
He will have two rounds of vaccinations, started on feed, and started on halter.
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