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Wonder Livestock is a partnership of Casey Adamick and Jordon Buehne. We both grew up on dairy farms, where our parents were gracious to our love of animals! They allowed  us to obtain, care for, and raise all kinds of other critters, including but never limited to chickens, ducks, sheep, goats, donkeys, ponies, alpacas, llamas, rabbits, pot belly pigs, and buffalo. So when we met at a local animal swap in 2006 it was very much a perfect match. We soon started our partnership of various livestock in 2009 including Kathadin sheep, goats,  chickens, ducks, and rabbits. Shortly after Casey graduated high school and aged out of 4-H  in 2011 we started raising and showing ABGA registered Boer goats. We both have always loved genetics on all aspects of natural breeding, artificial insemination and embryo transfer. We started an embryo transfer program in our Boer goat herd in 2013. From there everything flourished, we showed competitively all over the country with our Boer goats, while raising and adding slowly to our funny farm. We worked with a local pumpkin patch show casing our animals and educating the public, along with offering pony rides. This lead to the more variety of animals we are home to today including but not limited to Emu, Mini Cows, Babydoll Southdown Sheep, Kangaroo's, Wallabies , Alpaca's, Kathadin's, Registered Boer Goats, Commercial Goats, Sebastopol Geese, Club Sheep, and an assortment of poultry. Shortly after our first investment into the miniature cattle industry we started artificial inseminating our females to get a more diverse genetic pool. When it comes to the market of the calves we find more and more potential owners would prefer bottle calves. We started working with Jordon's family dairy who we help farm with on an embryo transfer program using the dairy herd females for recips. Since the dairy herd females calves are already being put on to bottles so the cows can go into milk production it is a smooth process for all. We feed them whole cows milk until, they have new home secured and then slowly switch them to milk replacer for their new owners. These are hopefully the only bottle babies on the operation as we do our best to let all mothers raise their little ones to weaning. We do offer weaned mother raised livestock in all species as well.

We strive to offer healthy quality animals for breeding, companion, pet and market.

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