Barites Veteran Ranch is a non-profit organization currently based in Norco, CA. we provide various services to veterans and their families. The ranch offers a variety of programs such as equine therapy, and outdoor activities such as gardening and raising chickens to help veterans heal and recover from the physical and emotional wounds of war. The ranch provides a sense of community and support for veterans who may feel isolated or disconnected from society.
In addition to selling mini cows, the ranch also accepts donations and offers volunteer opportunities for those who want to support their mission. The proceeds from the sale of mini cows and donations go towards supporting the programs offered by the ranch. Overall, Barites Veteran Ranch is an excellent resource for veterans who are looking for a place to heal and reconnect with nature and their community.
We at BVR utilize miniature cattle and feel they are great fit for regenerative agriculture because they require less land and feed than full-sized cattle. At Barites Veteran Ranch, the mini cows are used to help regenerate the soil and improve the health of the land. The ranch promotes rotational grazing which allows cows to graze on different sections of pasture, which helps prevent overgrazing and promotes healthy grass growth. The cows also help fertilize the soil with their manure, which provides essential nutrients for the grass and other plants. By using mini cows in regenerative agriculture practices, Barites Veteran Ranch will be able to produce high-quality beef while also improving the health of the land.
Norco, CA, USA
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